Do you know what will happen when Angry Birds meet Walking Dead? Check out the Angry Birds Zombie version, the answer is self-evident.
This incredible illustration set themed by Angry Birds is designed by Tomasz Kaczkowski, a Polish artist and singer. As we can see from the images, the talented artist combined zombie elements with the cute Angry Birds, so a group of angry zombie birds and green zombie pigs were born. No death, no eggs, the war between them will still continue? After the break, check out the rest illustrations.
If you like this kind of Angry Birds, jump to Tomasz’s Behance page for more images. additionally, if you need more Angry Birds mushups, you might like to check the 8-bit styled Angry Birds, and more via “Angry Birds” tag.
The only way to improve an already successful product these days, is to zombify it. This isn’t a complaint this is my appreciation for how a zombie can make everything cooler in life